
Week 13. Presentation feedback

On the presentation day, our group is the first team to present our project. Actual model is working well and russell gave us some useful feedback.

Improvement point: I was really nervous during the presentation, My talking is really bad and needs to improve. 


Week 12. Project Complete

In week 12, our project nearly finish and i'm helping with the wiki and make a video for it.


Week 11. Group presentation and feedback(Remuneration)

Group presentation 11: Remuneration

Key notes:

What is Remuneration?

  • "Fuck you" video 
  • Is it as difficult to understand as it is to pronounce
  • How much are you worth? what is your value proposition?

Remuneration work in the real world

  • "What do I have to pay for" vs "what do I want my remuneration package to say"
  • Successful remuneration package
  • Dollar per hour 
  • Non monetary remuneration
  • Direct remuneration
  • Indirect remuneration 

The employer:contractors (unsw)  
The employees: student(us/student)

Remuneration as a student
  • Experience is key!
  • 23.8% of UNSW FBE job seeker rate
  • $53.27 per hour for graduating student

How do I add value to myself?

  • Partake in study tours
  • General Education
  • Quality subject selection
  • Outstanding marks
  • Networking
  • Peer to peer competition
  • Extra curricular projects
  • Esteem work
  • Internships

What do I add value to myself?
  • 35%(first year), and increase every year, maximum 95%

How do I move forward?
  • Drawings
  • Co-ordinate documentation
  • Site conditions
  • Codes,regulations and legislation
  • Project evaluations,programs and feasibility studies
  • Consultants,contractors and suppliers
  • Project contract 

  • Good explanation and clear understanding for the topic
  • Have video and which is a good video
  • Good examples for different jobs
  • Clear and fluent voice during the presentation

Improvement points:
  • Powerful start but weak when present
  • Should talk about own project
  • Self employ scenario missed
  • Should use more images to make the presentation more vivid

    After presentation comments:
    • There are only 2 members in their team to present the topic. And I learned a lot information from this presentation like how could I value myself,etc.

      How about our group for Remuneration :

      For our group, we still study the course and there is no-one employed by any architect or design company right now. So we dont have any experience at the moment.

      This week programs:

      My part is already done for the group project, and Elliott already done with the coding part. Then we just wait Verdan to finish off the modeling truck and Peter will building the actual model and put everything together.So what I'm doing at the moment is helping to documenting the Wiki Blog for group.


      Week 10. Group presentation and feedback(Conflict)

      Group presentation 10: Conflict

      Key notes:

      Source of conflict 
      • Change the adapt 
      • Personalities different characteristics
      • Poor leadership
      • Poor communication
      • Misunderstanding
      • Subpar performance
      • Inability to control emotions
      • Distrust
      Types of people causing conflict
      • My idea is better (no collaboration)
      • Drama queen (talking too much in the team)
      • Never on time (poor management)
      • Dr lazy (the teammate who is not doing own working part)
      • No group work (poor leadership)
      • Carry (the person doing almost the work for team)
      • Ninja (visible teammate)
      • My clueless (no communication don't know what's going on)

      Avoiding conflict
      • Snowball conflict (no escape)

      Strategies to resolve conflict
      • Identify each member strengths and weakness
      • Define acceptable behavior in a group a good leader

      Negative impacts of conflict
      • Conflict cause stress
      • Reduced communication

      Positive impacts of conflict
      • Brainstorming
      • Opportunities to redefine ways to find solutions
      • Experiment with new negotiation styles

      Hextic Installation
      • Redoing pixels,reproducing incorrect work
      • Tensions between peers
      • Learning experience for collaboration
      • Conflict between parties of interest
      • Failing to plan
      • Importance of leadership

      • Good explanation and clear understanding for the topic
      • Clear images and texts
      • Interest starting of presentation(good example)
      • Clear and fluent voice during the presentation
      • Good examples of conflict 

      Improvement points:
      • Should relate the topic to their own project

      After presentation comments:
      • Listen is the key, be straight and direct

      How about our group for conflict:

      Actually we don't have many conflict in our group, because we doing well communication, all for the teammates are so friendly and positive attitude.

      This week programs:

      Elliott is still doing the coding for the project, and he is trying to separate different function on 2 arduino chip-boards. But after the studio, he already solve the coding problems and he will build buttons and potentiometer into 1 board.

      So I'm build a new arduino what has 2 buttons and 1 potentiometer.

      Final version for arduino chipboard 

      And I'm using Fritzing software to make it more clearly

      Final version - 1 potentiometer and 2 buttons 


      Week 9. Group presentation and feedback(Intellectual Property)

      Group presentation 9: Intellectual Property

      Key points:

      4 main types of intellectual property:

      • Trademark => logos secrets, rights protection.Industrial and commercial use Words,images or smiles.
      • Copyright => art work and writing.
      • Design => physical design.
      • Patent => process of function.


      • Design - last up to 5-10 years. Fee $320
      • Trademark - last up to 10 years. Fee $300
      • Copyright - last up to 70 years. Fee N/A
      • patent - last up to 20 years. Fee $300-$2300

      • Good explanation and clear understanding for the topic.
      • Clear images and texts
      • Giving tips to other groups to protect their designs.
      • Using the example of previous uni works and example of other project in the class (Blacktown project) 
      • Using the video to show the comments

      Improvement point:
      • Reading notes from paper during the presetation.
      • Better release to topic to own project.

      How about our group for intellectual property:
      For the our project, we already use the references from other people( on internet),So we cant apply the copyright.but we can apply the design for the driving model(set) and coding for the patent.

      After presentation comments:

      we all learning the intellectual property to protect self. and getting some useful ideas from russell.

      This Week program:

      After the last week working programs, I noticed we don't really need to use LED lights for the arduino board, the LED lights just for the signs, and we can check the coding by using serial-monitor. And after this week studio, we make the final decision to build the arudino board what is using 2 buttons and 1 potentiometer. The 2 buttons which control the acceleration and reverse, potentiometer for the steering wheel function. Elliott still working on the coding to make it working.

      And Russell shows us a program called Fritzing. this program can make a blueprint for build the arduino board. and clearly shows the details. So I will use it to make the previous works more clearly and detailed, also for the final version of arduino board.

      Here is the sketch in Fritzing:
      First version of arduino board
      1 potentiometer + 1 button + 1 flex sensor

      Second version of arduino board
      2 potentiometers + 1 button


      Week 8. Own group presentation and feedback(Communication)

      Group presentation 2: Communication

      So this week, we are doing our own presentation,and because they've already separate the topic in parts so my job is doing the map for the presentation.

      My part:

      The map is for showing the suburb we are living.Because we are living in 5 different suburb. and some of the team member have job or study, so there is really hard we have a face to face meeting.So usually we just post the stuffs on the Facebook group and use Google docs to share the work.


      1. Research the map image on internet (based on Google). Map image original
      2. Ask all the team members the their own suburb on Facebook.
      3. Use Photoshop to add some info and corp the image size.

      • Good definition and clear understanding for the topic.
      • Communicate with each other by using Facebook,Google docs and blog,etc.
      • Separate the topic to parts and combine their works together at the end.
      • Clear images and texts.

      Improvement point:
      • We have the same problem as last week presentation group.we don't have a leadership in our team (no-hierarchy).So we need a leader for the group and make our group working in army system.It will helps we get the work done quickly and high quality.
      • We need to communicate with our client.and get feedback from them.Because the client may change the briefs or initial, need to up to date.
      • Should talking the actual examples of our own group,such as: lack of communication can't make the working done probably.

      After presentation comments and programs:

      We decided to let Peter be our group leader and make the group in hierarchy system.and also we need to post more stuffs on Facebook that other members can see and share the ideas.And the most important thing is have a face to face meeting which can help us more understanding of each other's thinking. The collaboration is major purpose for the course.

      This Week program:
      I get another box of kit from russell after the studio. So i will trying to put 2 potentiometers on one chip and makes it plug-in correctly. Also try to use RGB light or 2 led lights on the chip to show the difference of coding.


      Week 7. Group presentation and feedback(Planning)

      Group presentation 1: Planning

      • Good explanation and clear understanding for the topic.
      • Communicate with each other by using Facebook,Google docs and blog,etc.
      • Using Gantt Chart for the planning and clearly showing the steps.
      • Work as a group.separate the whole thing to parts and combine their works together at the end.
      • The video is amazing and interesting.
      • Clear images and texts.

      Improvement point:
      • Have no leadership in the team (no-hierarchy)
      • The texts in the video is running so fast, should make it a bit slower.( that might help the class to read through)

      How about our group for planning:

      • Using timeline: it can help our project running on-time and due.

      After presentation comments:

      Planning just like a map, it makes the project move on smoothly, and the planning helps the project stay on task and due.

      For the next week we are doing presentation, the topic is communication.And we already separate the work in parts and make sure it could be done well.

      Week 6. Finish the chip and testing code (during the non-teach week)

      During the non-teach week, I finally combine these functions together.But I think the most important part is the coding to the Unreal Engine 4.

      Here is the image for the chip.

      Image 1

      Image 2

      And after putting everything together, we need to working on the coding.Because I do the combine by myself, so Elliott working on the coding( because he didn't get another kits before the non-teach week).So he just send me the code to me then I upload the coding into arduino softeware and connecting the chip to test it works or not.

      After few tests, We just get a result that is: dont use the flex sensor for our project.Because we just tested out that flex sensor is not very accurate for the driving machine project. 

      How could we test the accurate?

      In the Arduino software clicked on tools => serialmoitor, then a second window will came up, and in this window it shows the value changing when I turning the potentiometer or banding the flex sensor.

      The value is between 0 to 255. and the values of potentiometer are really accurate and working well, but the values of flex sensor are keep changing.( can't hold the value )

      New decision:

      Trying to just 2 potentiometers for the project and make them working.

      Testing Coding:

      1. Use potentiometer to change the brightness

      int ledPin = 9; //pin that LED is attached to
      int brightness = 0;
      int analogValue = 0; // value read from the pot
      void setup() {
        // put your setup code here, to run once:
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

      void loop() {
        // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
      analogValue = analogRead(A0); //read the pot value
      brightness = analogValue/4; //divided by 4 to fit in a byte
      analogWrite(ledPin, brightness); // PWM the LED with the brightness value
      Serial.println(brightness); //print the brightness value back to the serial monitor

      2. Use potentiometer to change the flashing frequency of the led light

      int ledPin = 9; //pin that LED is attached to
      int brightness = 0;
      int analogValue = 0; // value read from the pot
      void setup() {
        // put your setup code here, to run once:
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

      void loop() {
        // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
      analogValue = analogRead(A0); //read the pot value
      brightness = analogValue/4; //divided by 4 to fit in a byte
      analogWrite(ledPin, brightness); // PWM the LED with the brightness value
      Serial.println(brightness); //print the brightness value back to the serial monitor

      3. Use flex sensor to change the flashing frequency of the led light

      int ledPin = 9; //pin that LED is attached to
      int brightness = 0;
      int analogValue = 0; // value read from the pot
      int sensorValue = 0;
      void setup() {
        // put your setup code here, to run once:
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

      void loop() {
      analogValue = analogRead(A0); //read the pot value
      brightness = analogValue/4; //divided by 4 to fit in a byte
      analogWrite(ledPin, brightness); // PWM the LED with the brightness value
      Serial.println(brightness); //print the brightness value back to the serial monitor
        // read the value from the sensor:
        sensorValue = analogRead(A1);
        // turn the ledPin on
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
        // stop the program for <sensorValue> milliseconds:
        // turn the ledPin off:
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
        // stop the program for for <sensorValue> milliseconds:


      Week 5. Allocation

      After this week studio,We decided to separate the project in parts,and my part is trying to combine different funtions on the chipboard.

      So for our project, I need to build few actions into one.
      3.A botton for accelerator(start engine).

      here is the draft plan that I'm going to do:
      Draft Planning and Theory 

      Build different components into one.Firstly,I draw the draft plan on the paper and test it out.

      sample layout and initial idea 



      So I will combine these 3 funtions into one.and test it out.

      Week 4. Practice

      In this week, Russell gave us the arduino kit box to do the practice.And I follow the tutorials and step on, find its a very interesting project in this course. It help me learning more things about DIY electrical. And here are the images for the step.

      arduino kit pack
      Items and wires
      Finished connecting (CIRC-08)

      Finished connecting (CIRC-13)

      Arduino Code for CIRC-08


      I followed the instructions and downloaded software for this arduino chipboard.Then I coding the code into it, but its not work normally.The results is not showing and I will keep working on it.

      (main problem: when I turning the potentiometers the LED light is not change and nothing happened)

      Problem possibilities:
      1.The arduino kit pack are broken.(led light,wires or parts)
      2.Coding incorrect
      3.Uploading error

      Problem fixed:
      In week 5 studio,I discussed with my group teammates and finally solved problem above.
      When upload the code into the arduino chipboard, you need to select the port first(under tools> ports>COM4(arduino Uno),then click upload.

      Week 3. Learning

      In week 3, we are still working on the Arduino Uno and Unreal engine 4.

      Here is the youtube links for chipboard:

      Thinking about Arduino

      Custom build Steering wheel


      Week 2. Researching

      I joined the driving machine last Wednesday.The teammates are very nice and we decided a lot of things that we need to working on.

      So my part is researching the software,about unreal engine 4 and how it works and about Arduino.

      what is unreal engine 4?

      Unreal Engine 4 is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. 

      what is Arduino?
      Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple micro-controller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board.

      So firstly, we need to create a game(truck) in unreal engine 4, then we need to use a sensor to link a real physical wheel with the unreal engine. And use the wheel to control the truck in game to make it moves (turns and go head or back). To make it in first-person perspective.

      There is the youtube video links: 
      1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t2wI9bc-xE 
      2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQol-UIi8i4
      We are going to do something similar to this cool staff.

      And here is the link for the unreal engine 4 tutorials: 

      Build Arduino UNO For $5(cheap):

      I went to unreal engine website, and trying to download it. but i can not install it into my PC, it tells i need to install the windows service pack 1 first.( don't know how to fix it )